
Here everything will be described, what we utilize to

  1. develop our project

  2. deploy and run our project


To be written

Deploy and Run

We are planing to deploy our project in the Hetzner Cloud.

cloud architecture

At least for the first iteration our running setup in the cloud will cover three different services:

  1. A load balancer like Traefik
    This will be the only component that will receive direct traffic from users from the internet. It will sit on the limes of our VPC and act as an SSL terminating proxy. The traffic will be forwarded into the VPC to the dancer component, that contain our main application.
    When the traffic demand it (not in the nearer future, we are not that optimistic) the loadbalancer will distribute the incoming request in a round robin fashion.

  2. Our one and only main component, the dancer
    Sits between the load balancer and the database. Is reachable for deployment from the deployer for releasing new versions.

  3. Our Database Server like PostgreSQL
    Will have a connection

We will wrap all above mentioned components into Docker Containers, to unify the process of deploying each of them.