Let us show you briefly what technologies we use. We will not explain why we have chosen those here. This is subject to our Arc42 based Architecture Documentation.

Backend/Data Science

for general programming

for data-related tasks and scripting

Java Logo

Python Logo

Spring Boot
for Java microservices

for Python microservices

Spring Framework Logo

Flask Logo




Javascript Logo

Typescript Logo

For our Single Page Application

Angular Logo


as our default database

for containerization

PostgreSQL Logo

Docker Logo

Cloud Init
for bootstrapping cloud instances

for development and deployment

Cloud Init Logo

Docker Compose Logo

S3 - Minio
our S3 Bucket Implementation

our Iam System

Minio Logo

Keycloak Logo

for delivering our Angular App

Hetzner Cloud
Our cloud provider

Nginx Logo

Hetzner Logo

Elastic Stack
for monitoring and logging

Traffic routing and SSL-Handling

Elastic Logo

Elastic Logo

Version control/Tickets

GitHub Actions

Github Logo

Github Logo

Apache Kafka
for messaging

Kafka Logo


Project coordination

Collabora Office
Project coordination

Nextcloud Logo

Collabora Logo

Prototyping UIs

This kind of documentation

Figma Logo

Asciidoctor Logo

Key drivers for technical decisions

  1. Any decision should be as little opinionated as possible
    We should never choose a technology just because we consider it as cool or because we have had good experience with it in another use case. Decisions should be made depending on the use case.

  2. Keep it simple stupid (KISS)
    Based on our interpretation of Agile Development we think that we should choose the simplest approach to tackle a task. Particularly, we always try to avoid optimizing things before it turns out that optimization is needed (see Donald Knuth). This applies, in the same way, to small things eg.

    • optimizing algorithms like SQL-queries

    • choosing frameworks for persistence, offering rest endpoints, frontend frameworks

    • infrastructural topics like VCS build system

      As well as it applies to "bigger" things eg.

    • Deciding architectural things like using CQRS

    • Using microservices vs. putting things into a monolith

  3. Best of breed
    Default for standard options. Eg. when there are several similar web frameworks, go for the more prominent one. Because we expect that:

    • we are getting more support from other developers if we run into problems

    • expect more support from the upstream project itself, and also the project itself will exist for a longer time

    • have better tooling support (if applicable)

    • have it easier to find more developers

  4. Match techniques with skills of core team members
    The chosen technique should be either already known by the team (or part of the team) or the team must be willing to learn it.

Some criteria could conflict with others. Life is not always easy.